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Many Arcade, Console, & Computer video games are long gone --- but not forgotten. Thousands of games have been preserved & archived & are playable on your computer using an emulator like MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)!
MAME & other emulators can be downloaded from the internet (see the links page). Some archives can also be downloaded, but because they can be hard to find & there are so many of them (over 7,200 MAME sets alone), it is *much* easier to get them on disc :-). Archives on disc are also more reliable because I scan & verify them with the current versions of clrmame pro & good tools to make sure they are correct. They are also virus free. This Project is non profit, so I will burn the entire MAME arcade game collection & other Console & Computer archives onto discs for the cost of the materials, packaging, postage, & related expenses. To see the list of archives available, click on one of the archives links on the left. You can subscribe to my newsletter to keep informed about archive updates. Your email will only be used for that purpose. If you have any questions just ask :)
Game On!